Task Module
- Create and Assign Tasks
- Manage Owned Tasks with Outboxes
- Use Filters and Inboxes for Assigned Tasks
- Dependency and Sub Task
- Capture Comments at all stages
- Post Job Time Sheet to Account Books finance module
- Manage Customer Activity
- Issue Tracker with Inventory and Deliverables inventory module
- WO Operations Map production module
- Define Simple and Effective Work Flow
- Verify and ReOpen Completed Tasks
- Dashboard, Advanced Search and Saved Search
- Clean up Duplicates
- Custom Period-wise Job Time Sheets
- Track by Due Dates and by Custom Attribute
- Notify Lifecycle events
- Role based access control and system audit trails - The access to various transactions is very fine grained and can be controlled at each small transaction level for each user
- Personalized Stationary - Tasks and tickets can be customized and branded with your stationary needs. Generate PDF files, notify by email or Text
- Supplier/Customer Login - Create logins for all your Customer/Supplier/Vendor to view his/her tickets and status
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